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Can anyone remember all the words to John Barnes' Isotonic Lucozade adver from around Italia 90?I think it started with:"After 90 minutes of pure hell, you're gonna be thirsty"and features the...
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what is the craziest pub name you have heard of.   not including the late 80,s chains of slug and lettuce or rat and carrot?
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Does anyone know any songs that feature a gorgeous female french or other such accent /language in a song.  Also in general, regarless of accent, this is an element i think can greatly enhance...
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mongos bird
Fab post In A Pickle, thanks for sharing that with us.  It's got me thinking.  When you're feeling at a low ebb, what poem or saying gives you strength?  My fave is the...
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hi, can anyone tell me who is supporting oasis, kings of leon and bloc party on their UK tours this year? any info would be great thanx! xxx
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Is there any CD out there with JUST Manchester bands/ Music on?
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funniest joke?
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Inspired by Clare A's post I was trying to remember unintentional funny headlines. One I remember is "British left waffles on Falklands" and another "Include your children when baking cookies". I...
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of Great Britain This appears on a series of big yellow billboards around the UK. Anyone know who/what's behind them?
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in 2001 how households where there in greater manchester
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My friend can remember a film, where dogs go insane and attack people does anybody know if it exists? she believed it was "reservoir Dogs", and she was very quickly corrected, i can tell you that.
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What is the mellow trancey song that has the lyric "you are my angel" please?
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Recently on Scott Mills radio 1 show, mark chapman recommended a song. I can't remember the title or the song but I know it was a remix of a 1970's/80's song and that there were two different versions...
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What were they all whispering/laughing about at the end when the policeman was singing Suspicious Minds in the pub?
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does anyone know anywhere you can get limited edition or rare adidas trainers, or anywhere you can get trainers personalised.
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I have recently seen quite a few people wearing t-shirts with a monkey (well more of a gorilla) wearing a crown on them! I really like the design and was hoping someone out there knew the name of the...
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What Manchester band are they using for the current Shameless promos. I know I know them, even had a tape (remember cassettes!?) once but I can't think of their name
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just wondered who the female who appears in the newspaper advert with gordon ramsey is. thanks
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am putting together some slide shows of my kids for showing at and around xmas ...anyone got any suggestions of background music....have got She elvis costello, am i the same girl swing out sister,...
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Tony Balony
On Sky's Soccer AM, has anyone managed to pull off the crossbar challenge?

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