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Oh good!! Maybe she actually thought about her children for once!!
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Watching the Big Brother eviction tonight, Channel 4 showed Cairon attempting to squaring up to Sree. I found Cairon's actions and body language distinctly threatening to the point that I thought if...
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dr pop
What is the latest anybody has first felt the baby. Wife and I are both eternal worriers and first child is now 20 weeks in and has given no little signs. Twenty week scan is bizarrely still a week...
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Well my periods late, which is odd because i usually have a 28 day cycle. So first thing this morning i took a first response pregnancy test, and i got a positive reading. i had a really dark control...
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Anyone reccomend a tinted moisturiser? my mate tried one and it was really good but it was about ?20.. help! or hav u got any cheap alternatives to a tinted moisturiser??
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Hi, I am new to this forum but I have joined because I desperately need an answer. I am pregnant with my first baby and I found out unexpectedly only one week ago after taking two pregnancy tests at...
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My two year old son is not talking yet. He doesn't say anything although he understands everything we say to him and can follow instructions so we know his hearing is fine. When he wants something he...
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My car was stolen last night from my driveway but the scummy little t*&%s came into my house & took the car & house keys. The car is on finance but if we dont get the car back are the...
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Hi everyone, Im almost 10 weeks pregnant & have my dating scan in a couple of days. I haven't really had many symptoms just sore breasts and a bit of tiredness but thats it really. Im worried that...
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Im 8 weeks pregnant and my full time job is office work but I also have a part time job working behind a bar. I dont change barrels etc but lift trays of glasses in & out of the glass washer and...
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I have just found out Im six weeks pregnant and baby is due at the end of September. However we had planned to get married on the 26th September (baby wasnt planned) but now have to postpone. My...
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Anyone got any good ones? I love this!:
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Me and my partner were just at his neices 2nd birthday party. She stepped outside the front door and fell and banged her mouth. She was crying and there was some blood so naturally her mum got...
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I took a first pregnancy test (just a shop brand) and it came back positive so just to make sure I went and got a more expensive one (clear blue) but this came back negative. They were both done on...
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hi does anybody know when the other 2 parts are on ??? i have this weeks and next weeks tv mags and it aint even mentioned .....
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If you are a diabetic on insulin how much of a bad idea is it to drink alcopops? Also are you able to drive? TIA
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My colleagues and I are having a small charity thing within our office department to raise money for The British Heart Foundation. The theme will be "Chavs" and we are running out of ideas for little...
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Did anyone else notice that it was Jen who shouted at Mo first and when Mo retaliated Dale accused him of starting it! OMG get Jen and Dale out. They are pathetic.
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I am planning a relaxing holiday for august but unsure were to go. anyone know a holiday resort were it as clear seas on the beach and somewhere with not a lot of kids.
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our sons christening is in 6 there a website were i can print out my own?

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