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elizabeth ho

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58a ballet position similar to arabesque, modelled on gibologna's sculpture mercury. >T?I???E thanks for some help...
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38a Lord l?o? king of Arms.Title of chief herald of Scotland. 41a ancestral spirit in Peublo people. 54d Small branch of a blood vessel Many thanks....
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18d Is this adventurous or adventurers (The practice of engaging in hazardous business enterprises) 39a ??o?c?? Found in Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, one of the smallest species of...
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2 left 20ac Motorised bicycle ridden by a human "slipstream" in keirin racing and motor-paced road races (5) ?E?N? 51dn Ancient Roman unit of weight that was the forerunner of the pound (5)...
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22D.Chemical or organic substance essential for life and growth - N?T?I?N? 35D. Archaic name for a type of reference work developed bu Diderot and d'Alembert in 18th century-?Y?L?P?D?A (Cyclopedia?)...
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6d(11) suggested scheme p?o?o?i?i?n.thanks for any help.
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13a authorised absentee from school (6) your help please
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Can you help me please. 18a GP provided time to wander about 5 letters D?I?? 25a they shine at Sandhurst in osed area, somersaulting 7 letters T?E???S...
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I am stuck on this last one, would be glad of any help. 24a. conclusion in epid tale reflected underlying motives. 7 letters...A?E?D?S...
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Stuck on this last one, 13d. hurled. t??e? 5 letters...
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Who eats them? They are disgusting. Such a horrible after taste.
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Where is the interior fusebox on a 2010 civic located and how easy is it to access and change a fuse?
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I wrote to my doctor, whose opinions I respect, about the daily 20mg Simvostatin tablets which he prescribes for me, among others, to reduce my blood pressure. I sent him the following article from...
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elizabeth ho
not sure if I have done a question right, here goes, i have a technika 20 inch tv which has phono plugs for recordingn video, my video is a panasonic which has 2 scart sockets but no phono, is their...
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2Down - In mathematics, a term for a square matrix having a zero deerminant -?I?G?L?R, also 47 Down = Word linking randy and tomato C???R? nd 53A Description of wine produced in countries including...
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tropical plants known as Widow's tears
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Lidl's have a 6 for 4 case deal on wine tomorrow, has anyone tried their wine, I like red wine so was thinking of giving it a try seems really good value, what do you recommend shiraz ,merlot.
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A neighbour of mine works for a utility company and uses a large diesel van. I can often see him getting a large fuel container from the van and using a funnel to top up the small family car that he...
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Who or what is mailer-daemon, apart from being a confounded nuisance? I am receiving emails from mailer-daemon ... (at) ... and various other source addresses nearly every day. Usually they...
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41ac. Historically,a cushion attached to the back of the saddle for a second rider (7) -I-L-O-. T.i.a.

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