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Abdulmajid 7634275.stm
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Just how many female smurfs are there?
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black puddings are banned
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I was thinking of getting one, its half price now to ?40.00 it Hornby and comes with loads of extras and scenery even a mat with fake counrtyside features. I had one as a child passed down to me but...
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I'm back :-)
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have we got any Underworld fans?
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miss me????
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This is a difficult subject. I believe in reincarnation. That we are basically souls on an evolutionary journey during which we become clothed in a human shell. That this is a physical plane where we...
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Which monster would you least like to be after you? Mummy New style Zombie Werewolf Vampire Bunny boiler Medalion man gaint ape other kinda monster Which one do you think you could take down?
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Its 3AM, you hear a clash downstairs and a mad scuffle followed nasty shriek. You run down stairs with the baseball bat from under your bed to find a thief stretched out with your possesions all over...
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following on from my Edward Woodward post the other day (which had me in stitches, but I'm weird like that so I was probably the only one) - words I love to say include: Epididymus Plop
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A mini profile for each user, ala the BBC 606 boards. Nothing much, say 250 words on who you are, what you like etc. that would be lovely.
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Just to let you know, iv changed my name. I used to be Prangy but now im completely 'PrangedOut' You better believe it! So hello, how you doing and lets get this Prangy Party started! UGGGHHHHHHHHH...
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have you put your heating on yet or are you trying to last out a bit longer.?
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I`ve seen a name re-appear, a name that disappeared for a little while. The obnoxious personality has been replaced by a much nicer, gentle one. Obviously cannot be the same person. How or why does...
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A well known 'cheap' store beging with P on Market street have all their Autumn/ winter stuff in! Got a pair of long black suede? or suede look boots for 10.00!!! xxx
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Rich man - without a gift Poor man - blessed like a mule which one ladies?
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She slept with you on the first date? Not only that - but that she initiated it. Not only that - but that she was positively rampant.
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I am just over two months pregnant with a pregnancy that both my partner and I planned. The problem is, as soon as I found out I was actually pregnant (1 month ago) my partner said he had changed his...
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whats a good name for a goldfish?

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