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Thanks, Pointer, for an absolutely superb Listener. Maybe POTY......
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Thanks for a good challenge, Kea. It was a nice challenge to determine the answers that had extra letters and not easy to get the two items from the extra letters. I am a bit concerned about what I...
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A couple of lucky guesses helped me through this, so that I only needed to cold-solve about half a dozen clues before I could start filling the grid-- but admittedly I was lucky with the clues I...
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Full marks, Oyler! Sheer joy to have a numerical Listener with a theme. I never thought I would open the thread for a numerical. This will make our Listener year! Yippee - great fun!...
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I’m surprised that no one has yet commented on this first-class puzzle. Not the usual numerical but a thoroughly entertaining exercise in logic as well as plenty of clues to solve. Thank you, Ilver....
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Certainly this theme was something new to me, and I am not sure that I understand all of its nuances but have managed to complete the final grid even so. Some very deft touches in both the clues and...
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What a pleasure to have a theme that yielded itself so nicely without a fearsome final grid staring process. Of course we have had to resist the urge to insert the correct letters and it has been...
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Have mixed feelings about this as some elements are truly very fine indeed but there seem to be a few inconsistencies in the details. For a long while, I imagined something more magnificent (maybe...
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Was a bit upset to have to put the latest Magpie (plug, plug) aside, but lo and behold - it's a Magoo ! With just a couple of clues to go, the light has dawned and the penny has hit the ground. Just a...
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Grid just about filled - theme understood - now I just have to make proper sense of the preamble! Well worth persevering!...
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Oh my goodness. What an incredible feat from Radix. I have not been able to put this down since I got a foothold in - the construction, symmetry and elegance make the mind boggle. I am slightly...
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I think I got (unusually) lucky with the gridfill on this, but even so, it was not quite as intimidating as the preamble led me to fear. A fun and fair workout with some entertaining clues. Thanks,...
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Almost midnight and no thread yet? Something wrong, surely? This wasn't that hard....
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dr b
I can certainly appreciate the masterful job of constructing the puzzle, but this one ranked low on the fun-o-meter for me. No pennies to drop or endgame to solve, so it was just a matter of slogging...

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