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i want t become a stunt man how do i go about it and what is the wages like
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What black author was born in Cleveland Ohio?
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why is it that in france the savory crepes are so different? i just came back from skiing where i literally lived on them ( i am vegatarian so not many options in france!) and now i cant make them the...
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What's the name of the girl singer featured at the end of BBC2's Culture Show on Thursday night.Just caught the end. I think it was a double barrelled name and her debut album is released at the end...
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What is the "hokey cokey" as in "put your right arm in, right arm out, in, out, in, out, shake it all about. Do the hokey cokey and turn around"?!?!?!?!
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I'm off to Florida in the summer but can't begin to look forward to it because I suffer really bad heat rashes. It takes over my whole body and looks really, really unattractive. It doesn't really...
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There's a girl I really like who was on my course at university. I genuinely feel that she likes me as well, we don't know each other very well as she was briefly seeing my flatmate a while ago, but I...
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Has anyone ever had their partner hit them as a 'one off' in the heat of the moment, never to be repeated?
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OK OK I know this is going to make me sound stupid, but what exactly do these people actually want?? Why are the terrorists so keen on murdering us? If they hate us so much why do they live in Britain...
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What REALLY annoys you. For me it is the saying ''Well you can talk''. Just because you are not perfect does not mean you can't have a negative opinion of someone.
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I remember a drama in the 90s? A business man caught aids from one of his trips. don't know any of the actors/actresses in it
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lord otterby
Does anyone know the name of the pice of music in A Clockwork Orange, it is the haunting electronic piece?
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Was is all this crap i keep hearing on the news about cartoons. i only keep hearing bits, i dont know the fullstory
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Stu in USA
I know this isn't "news" to anybody, but even when he's reading from a script, this man gets it wrong. To bolster support for his illegal wire-tapping, he described a planned attack on the "Liberty...
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How is it the Australians can develop a child support system that works while we blunder along in a bureaucratic miasma? Didn't they also recently revolutionise their pension system to fit in with the...
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I have watched a little of it this week and the whole sex therapist thing got me cringing... Did anyone else think that an old lady, demonstrating how to give the perfect oral sex on the type of glass...
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Loosehead,,30000-13505043,00.html Would you give your name, address and finger prints to a boozer? Not me guv!
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There's a girl I really like who was on my course at university. I genuinely feel that she likes me as well, we don't know each other very well as she was briefly seeing my flatmate a while ago, but I...
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can you get rid of xanthomas
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Was "The Gangs of New York" based on any historic fact?

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