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the name of the famous film that used the disused railway line on way to old warden biggleswade .bedfordshire.please.thank you.
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What exactly makes us left handed or right handed. I am right handed so obviously my left hand is weaker as such. But what made me right handed? Was it just because that was the hand I used when I...
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Will you start to queue 4 hours earlier to make sure you get a vote ????
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Before I get down to the business in hand, I crave your indulgence. Picture the following scene: It was freezing under foot and barely daylight as I staggered out clad only in my pyjamas and dressing...
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what do you class as a good neighbour. some one who minds there own buisness and leaves you alone. or some one who will help you out in the time of need. what have your neighbours done for you?...
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Who ever wins the majority vote, I think the PM should have a woman as the Chancellor. Women know more about balancing the budget. Most women I know organize the shopping the bills etc. they know when...
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To take Spurs into Europe`s top competition.
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I have IE as my browser. I installed spell checker, ( I think it's called ispell ) when i right click on it says check complete. I have spelt things wrong to see if it is working, which it clearly...
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The grumpy old sod is secretly one of my favourite abers. I know he tell people NEVER to apologise, but I'll let you into a secret.... he did apologise to me once. ;-) Happy birthday you old devil !...
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So who's going to vote? I am And what outcome would you like to see?...
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As this Government is too PC to ban the Burkha .... what should we ban ??
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lardhelmet! Can you guess what's in it?
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Just trying to show NoM how to attract responses. Just leave a little note to show you read this. Love you all xxxx...
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Got my nose, poor s0d.
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Just arrived back from Nottingham, eldest daughter came to see her sister in Nottingham to celebrate her 30th birthday. It was arranged to meet there as youngest daughter (27) was expecting first baby...
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Is anyone else still getting the adobe script error message come up when using this site? I am and it's a week since I emailed the Ed about it (of course it could be just me)...
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It is raining quite heavily here in West Yorkshire. So what do you do on a cold drab day like today?
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Tall Italian -doesn't speak English!...
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We've just been to visit my Mum and Dad,and she won £400 quid on the 49'ers yesterday with a 5 pence bet.Isn't that wonderful?She does the same numbers almost every day.Beats the Lotto does'nt...
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I bet Mr V can have loads of lovely stories about the radio shows of yesteryear?

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