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With the populations of China and India having more spending power than ever before ,the way is open to a surge in business prospects. Instead,the giant American Banks with Foolish lending policies...
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From the BBC News-Pedestrian dies in car collision. Should this not read-''Car damaged by Pedestrian' ?
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Have I got this right ? A Bank, Northern Rock , the Bedrock of Capitalism, mismanages its affairs and this is the fault of a Socialist Government ?
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You can get a reward for the first sighting of Easter Eggs in the shops.
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Please ,the name of the female singer on Breakfast this morning.
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I know it may get me killed but from now on ''I'm a Jaywalker'. ie -I walk where I please. I'm fed up with obeying the demands of Motorists. I am not a number,I'm a free man !
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I notice that there are only 2 War Films on BBC. today. Is the Beeb giving in to Left-wing Veggie Tree Huggers ? Let's have more Heroic Soldiers killing people please.
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Name 9 animals from Africa. 8 Elephants and a Giraffe !
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I hate people who tell us what to wear,but one thing bothers me. Why wear a nice plunging neck line and then wear a T shirt under it. Do women hate men ?
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This morning the Cat chased the pigeons away-had they been Magpies he would have ignored them. Coward !
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So David Cameron wants Hostpitals fined over the Super-Bug. doesn't he know that the money for the NHS comes from the Tax Payers ? So the cash will just go round in a circle ? Daft Tory thinking-just...
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They need an hour ?
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I've just realised that the people I most dislike on TV have names beginning with 'J'. James Martin,Julian Clary and Jeremy Clarkson. Is this significant do you think ?
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From todays Telegraph :-''Thousands of drug dealers, sex offenders and burglars will stay in UK every year.'' But one innocent Watford footballer must be deported ! I say again Englishmen get a grip...
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Got ALL the 'Thin Man' films on DVD as a Birthday pressy today.
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To the Police. After the Umpteenth break in of Liverpool players when playing away -for staking out Gerrards house and catching the burglars. So obvious but they would rather complain about their...
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A young Footballer is to be sent back to Sierre Leon {? A young man,law abiding and useful. meanwhile criminals Cannot be sent home because they are in danger. cannot we ask our legislature to 'Get a...
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Guns don't kill people -Sharpened sticks do !!
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Have you noticed that Pop music questions are now the Most frequently unanswered questions in Quizzes? And why is that ?
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Every now and then my Vista PC. stops and tells me an Update is taking place. I don't mind this BUT I never see any difference. Wot's going on,please ?

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