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where are the best places to visit in Paris? im going there in the new year for a couple of days & want to go to hidden secrets in paris. ive already been up the eifel tower and to disneyland(lol)...
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Tree whose nuts have an edible green kernel ?i?t?c?i?  
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I've got a 6 year old boy who's going deaf? Seems to have gloopy stuff in his ears sometimes. Any ideas what to do?
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I suffer from aching, painful legs, especially below the knee in the shin area.Can anyone suggest anything I could do to ease the pain or stop it altogether-I get cramp in my toes quite...
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I read ages ago in Computeractive magazine that there was a way to rename multiple photos (jpeg files) at once. As anyone with a digital camera will know the pics have names like PO0001 - PO0099 and...
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Ok, Wont try and make myself sound thick by asking how a light bulb works so calm down, but i was wondering the difference between a light bulb and a led as i saw u can get keyring led torches that...
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Who is your sexiest cartoon character? Personally, I think the Caramel Bunny is a hot bit of stuff, though it would be even better if she wore a garter!
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I hate the Metric system with an absolute vengence  ( got that of my chest at last)   But do any of you think that to go competly to the (poxy french ***** system) would help the nation and...
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The wild bird food we put down attracts so many pigeons that smaller birds are driven away, what can we do to  stop them.
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Do u turn down the volume of the radio in ur car if u are going slowly along a street looking for a house number or a business premisies???? Question is related to the ability to talk on a cell phone...
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Give your general opinion about Harry Potter. Witch of the books you read (if you read any)? Witch of the movies you have seen (if you seen any)? What you think it`s going to hapend in the rest...
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Who is more powerful in this country - Tony Blair, the Queen, Rupert Murdoch, Richard Branson or Philip Green (or anyone else - just names I can think of at the moment)   Personally I think...
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Why do car manufacturers bother with sidelights?   They neither give enough light to illuminate anything, nor to aid visibility.   If you need to see and be seen, then headlamps...
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if a has a melting point of 53 and a boiling point of 85 is it solid liquid or gas at room temp?
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What causes a random part of your skin suddenly to have an itch, and when you examine the area, there's no obvious cause, nothing there?
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I have a 2 year old niece that accidentally urinated on a carpet.  Is it possible that the smell of a two year old's urine could be intolerable that you would need to replace the entire...
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Can you be arrested for being drunk whilst riding a bicycle? I mean you're causing a danger to other road users....
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Further to the question further down on peoples favourite answerbankers, i was wondering what the age range is on this sight? Who is the oldest answerbanker, who is the youngest, do older people give...
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Mr Luva
A difficult question but think of it as a percentage. I think they are
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Do you still get that friday feeling?

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