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6d) Eliminates designer dogs on sleeping (7,3)
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8 down beaten boy runs round yonder (l---e-e-)...
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16a Samson blessed man among rebels in service at sea (9) STRONGMAN Why?
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9a Somewhere to tie up second seal (7) MOORING Why "second seal"?...
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Last one : 47A : Knowledgeable, poetically? (4-6) : I definitely have ???L-?E?S?? First word ‘could’ be ?E?L or ?O?L. Second word ‘could’ be ?E?S?S or ?E?S?D...
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I simply cannot see this ...... 8d Small house, especially one that functions as an inn or guest house (6) I have C–S–T–...
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Islands 6 Firmament gets energy (4) 13 Ones in the middle of India (9) Find the lady 100 A female Major's name (5) Thanks for any help....
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miss chanel got the article
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3d What constitutes bit part in Western? (6) ?A?D?T Presumably BANDIT but why?
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24a. Long to be swimming always, or during shortest month. (5) M _ R _ Y. Something like 'Marry' ???...
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Very challenging! Please help. 24a. A.Opie is unexpectedly bored by couple of lines from composer.(9) I have ????I?L?O 27a. 60s group are upset about blokes with hackneyed stuff.(4,6) I have ??E?...
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12a (10) A fixed allowance following the fashion for self-restraint -o-e-e-i-n...
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13)Could be Paraguay ,Afghanistan,or South Yorkshire(10) 38)To manipulate boundaries (11) 25)Exceptionally good (11) 43)Lottery numbers could be described thus (6) 44)Squeezed between two other things...
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Last two and any help appreciated: 11a) Lead performer holding in English composer (7) s?m?n?r 20a) Choral works in second test requiring rearrangement (6) ?o?e?s (could this be nonets?)
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Final three clues! Please put me out of my misery. 9a. Lush is spoilt with "oral" 24/7 .(3,5) I have A?L ?O???. 24/7 is HARD SMOOCH I think. 14a. Reveal end of inappropriate ex-coalition member.(6) I...
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9a Dog's beginning to protest a lot, having been docked (6) ?O?D?E Poodle?...
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Finding this very difficult. Please help. 5d. Sycophant who possibly goes in for tongue-to-tongue treatment (10) I have ?????????R 4d. Maybe Tony Hall's seen in coarse working club.(8) I have ???D????...
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point in the orbit of the moon or a satellite at which it is closest to the earth . ?e?i??e
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Help, last 2 to do 3 Down, Certain limit (5) I have *o*n* 17 Across, Picture lover in ecstasy during fling (7) I have c*n*a*t Please advise, Stickboy52...
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31a For instance, caviar's fine quality (8) DELICACY Why? 7d Fill up again? With beer it could be reprehensible (9) REPLENISH Why? 22d Very timid, almost vertical shot at Wimbledon? (6) VOLLEY Why?...

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