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Hello All, Our Hygena dishwasher stopped halfway through a wash cycle. The water hadn't drianed so i thought it might by the drainage hose, but ive check this and its is clear.. Ive now drained the...
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Hello All, As some of you may recall, Ii work in a mixed office environment with people from all side of the world with differents opinions and Interests. Normally this makes the days interesting and...
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Half pints dont count
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Looks like the pubs have just turned out. Stand by your beds everybody, loonies afoot.
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How do you meet people online? Whats the best way of making friends?
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I told my girlfriend that she has eyes like a crow for a joke and now she's not speaking to me. Any advice on how to rectify the situation?
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virtual sex?
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My mother in law's laptop is playing silly bugg3rs so I want to reformat her hard drive and re-install windows to give her a clean slate. She's currently on XP but I'll put Win98 on because it's quite...
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I hate going to the office bog, cause there's always some other bod, making the most disgusting noises whilst performing his number two's.  There is usually a whole range of strange sounds, but...
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I have a load of video clips downloaded from various sources with extensions .mov .wmv .mpg .avi .asf Is it possible to put any of these onto a DVD RW so they they can be viewed on a normal DVD...
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I have a large (4.2GB) movie file made up of 88 Rar files which I am having problems extracting.Normally when I extract the files using WinRar,a single .bin file is created,which I then burn to disc...
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An uncharitable colleage of mine keeps calling me a W--K-R, often qualified, and accompanied by obscene movements of his thumb and finger. It's been going on for years and as I have to pass his desk...

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