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Will this now be common speak for someone going to have an eye test ? Like going for a Jimmy riddle ?...
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There are frequent 'ads ' appearing on threads asking you to redeem your £100 ) £50 gift card I have not click through to see what the catch is ,- as there must me one Has anyone done so ?...
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Where is John ' where's the cue ball going ' Virgo ?
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Oh yes -:face masks again I see that from today that the item in question is mandatory to be worn in almost all places
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Watched two episodes of the above Both shows the jackpot counter was on the bottom shelf and about a third away from the edge The contestants did not gamble So why did they not show what would have...
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What is a Digital Gift Card ?
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Er indoors has just shouted up stairs to advise me that the dinner is on the table Now I'm going to be a smart Alec and ask her why she didn't put it on a plate I anticipate one of her glaring stares...
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Remind me please why the wearing of a mask protects other people and not the wearer himself / herself...
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Er indoors has put down some garden lights in the garden ...(where else ) Anyway wer'e under/ near the flight path to a major airport Looked outside ,not long ago , and the lights are brightly...
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Has the price of building materials rocketed - i.e. bricks , breeze blocks , sand , cement , roof tiles etc etc If so are prices likely to reduce anytime soon ? We are thinking of, having an outhouse...
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What were the names of the guests , and who were they ?
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Er indoors asked Google to find something on the web and ended her request with the word please What have you heard / saw that made you smile...
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If you didn't before this pandemic - how are you finding it ?
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Does any unused credit remaining after the month is up remain in your account or does your account revert to zero The above is NOT with respect to goodybags...
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So what lesson(s) have you learned from this lockdown ?
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Due to have one of these fitted tomorrow Can they make sure that the equipment is virus free before it is fitted ?...
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Can a person be sent to jail for non payment if TV licence ?
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I've ordered a pair of these...
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All us F1 fans - Back this weekend Hip hip .......
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1. Eexecutor of a will 2. Family member dies without making a will In the above two instances , how does one proceed , without involving a solicitor , to sort out the estates ? Is there a guide /...

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