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Christmas Gift for Dad & my step-mum ???

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MustangLady | 20:06 Mon 26th Nov 2007 | Family & Relationships
8 Answers
I've only recently got back in touch with my father who i lost contact with over 31 yrs ago, something i wish i'd done sooner rather than later. Me and my siblings lost contact with him as he and my mum were going through a very messy divorce and we were only young at the time. However, he lives with his 'new' wife (of 10yrs now) who i like very much. I've only visited my dad once due to the distance he now lives and still trying to get to know him. They are both in their late 60's and love the outdoors & walking, they live in Pembrokeshire (Wales) not far from a beachy area. Hope this gives you an insite into what they like, but like I said I'm still trying to get to know them too. They both like nature (animals, birds and suchlike). With Christmas coming up, I'd like to get them a "special" gift but really don't know what? Maybe a joint present... I'm not well-off and have a humble lifestyle, so anything that may be in the �100 range for joint gift... Any suggestions...


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If they're keen on nature and birds, I wonder if I nice bird table for their garden would be appreciated so they can have the pleasure of watching the birds feed. Most good garden centres have a reasonable selection, although wrapping one up in Christmas gift wrapping might be a problem !. However, if you have a Robert Dyas hardware shop near you, they might still be doing their flat-pack "assemble it yourself" bird table for around �20. It comes with all the parts and screws so it's not a complicated job. If they're not already members, a year's subscription to the National Trust might be appreciated.
Would they like a pair of binoculars?
Why dont you make him a photo collage frame of you and yours brothers/sisters growing up.
And then treat him and his wife to something like, Tea at the Ritz, which you can get on There are other unusual gifts on there
Hiya, congrats on getting back in touch with them. What about a good bird watching book? or if they're into gardening, there's loads of bits and pieces in Lakeland you could make up a pressy with? things like wellie socks are good for outdoors types? I would go for little pressies, rather than one big grand gesture. It gives the message you have given everything some thought (not that I'm suggesting that you wouldn't, but I hope you know what i mean) However, if you've only met them once, you might not know what they already have. So, if they like a tipple, maybe a decent whisky and/or wine? A good bottle of each can cost a packet!!
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Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to reply with such good ideas. I've opted for the photo collage of 'his' children growing up (I love that idea and he wouldn't have this for sure). Plus the bottle of drink idea: I'm going to order a small hamper including drink through the '' website which i found. They can deliver that to them directly then when I visit them just after the Christmas break, I'm taking with me the photo collage. As I am unsure what they really like or what they already have, thought these were the best solution. Thank you all so very much.
Instead of doing a collage it might be a better idea to do a booklet. A collage suggests permanent display. If I was wife no.2 would feel excluded. You can get a folder of 'pickpockets' or better still a scrapbook. Stick some milestone pictures with a comment. Lovely hamper I.e. joint gift is v v good. After xmas you might ask his wife if she could make up one for you. Obviously this depends on their reaction. Calling his wife 'second wife' even in your head is a no no.
You obviously like Her. Good luck
Sorry after Xmas housing be asking for hamper you'll be asking for a picture scrapbook... be prepared to sit and talk about their together.

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