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Guilty People.

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zabado | 12:45 Fri 27th Jun 2014 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
I like to watch fly on the wall programs like "claimed and shamed" and while I understand why some of the police officers and innocent people have their faces pixelated. Why? when a thief is found guilty and sentenced in a court of law some of their faces are blanked out too. Let all see what this scum look like.


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I think everyone filmed like this has to sign a waiver before the film is broadcast, and we shouldn't impinge criminals' rights now should we? (I hope you read the tone of my typing in my question)
I total agree, why can't we see their faces?

It's perfectly legal to film in the street. A friend of mine was filmed in one of those street scenes they show at the beginning of "Don't Get Done, Get Dom" shows it's part of the opening sequence so was shown every day.

She isn't doing anything wrong, just walking down the High Street, didn't even know about it until people she knew pointed it out. She was majorly embarrassed about it.
Maybe it was a condition of them appearing on the programme, that they would speak but their face would not be shown.
If a criminla is sentencved by the court, that is the sentence under law.

It does not incude 'You will go to prison, and have your face plastered all over the national media so that you alone of all the people who have comitted this crime, get noticed by the general public, with all the hostility that will involve.

It's not justice, people are entitled to their privacy, even if they have broken the law - or are perceived to have done so.
It also protects people who look like the criminal. Many years ago now (more than 30) a rapist was being hunted around Britain. There was a bloke who worked in the same office as my DH, who was the image of the photofit. His job involved travelling around the Uk to visit various offices and facilities and was picked up and interviewed many times. He ended up being given an official letter by IIRC the Met saying this is not the droid you are looking for.

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