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sanlou26 | 11:11 Fri 30th Dec 2005 | Body & Soul
11 Answers


I have just been diagnoised with a meningoma brain tumour. I am currently starting to go through the proceedure to have an operation to remove it. Does anyone have any advice or is there anyone who is currently going through the same experiance.



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first of all please remember that this type of brain tumor is one of the easiest to operate on.

stay positive throughout and you will be surprised how much this helps you xxx

Sorry � I don�t have any advice, although littlemissx�s advice of staying positive sounds good. Just wanted to wish you all the best and hope you have a speedy recovery.

Maybe if you focus on the little things in life that make you happy, it will help take your mind of things. All the best xxx

So sorry to hear you're going through all this. I don't have any practical advice myself but your hospital should have a support team & can probably put you in touch with others in the same situation. I hope you have friends and family that you can share your fears with although it's not always easy to unload on nearest and dearest.
Good luck sanlou with your treatment and wishing you a speedy

The best UK cancer web site is the CancerBACUP here
Sorry I can't help with sites out of the UK but there must be many.

Hi Sanlou

Like everyone who has replied already, I am sorry to hear that you are facing a difficult challenge in your life. Please remember that this type of tumour is benign and the prognosis is very good. It is important to maintain a positive attitude throughout and stick to a healthy diet, get plenty of rest and if you can get out into nature, this will revitalise you when you are feeling low. With love and light. Amara x

Sorry to hear you are going through this.I can't offer any advice other than to say it makes my medical problems seem piffling in comparision.I am sure you will have the best treatment available and hope that everything goes well for you,. My very best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Hello there, sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. Do not despair. I work with people with this condition and many others like it. A fantastic website is Loads of information here. A positve attitude (as mentioned previously) is what will get you through. It is well evidenced and documented that those with a strong positve mental attitude survive / beat any kind of cancer the longest. Visualisation is of extreme importance. When you have a quiet moment (and if you can't find one, make one) see the tumour as weak and confused and your immune systen as strong and powerful, and tell your immune system to beat the tumour. May sound weird, but believe me as this is my professional field, it can work. Best wishes.

What a frightening diagnosis to get and to have it hanging over your head during Christmas. However, I can give you some encouraging news. These tumours are usually some of the easiest to operate on. My brother had one eight years ago located behind his ear. He underwent surgery lasting several hours, was up and walking within several days, although a little unsteady on his feet at first. He was told he would have to refrain from driving for 12 months. Within three months he was back at the wheel again and returned to work a month after that.. He did suffer headaches for several months after surgery which eventually cleared completely and he was left quite deaf in the affected ear but he is alive, well and otherwise very active. He had a lot of support from his surgical team, which I am sure you will get too, and three monthly check-ups for two years. Good luck. I hope everything goes well for you.

could your doc/hospital put you in touch with people who have had this procedure done for advise and support.i dont have any experience with this kinda thing apart from my mates mum having some kind of brain tumour removed a few years ago. her surgery went well and she recovered much quicker than the docs expected. she just has regular scans and check ups

hope everything goes well for you x

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Hi, firstly thank you all for your advice and support. It is a difficult time for me and my family but I am sure we will get through it. Even at this earlier stage I have suprised myself at how well I have taken it! I intend to stay positive and beat this.

I had to see my doctors and have another MRI scan yesterday, and am waiting to see the neuro surgeons in Plymouth. As I only found out a few days ago it still seems strange that it's happening to me, and the most bizarre fact at the moment is that the doctors think I have probably had it for ten years!!

I've had it a third of my life and knew nothing about it, the only symptom I have had, and that was only on one occassion ten months ago was a seizure. Even then the doctors at a and e didn't think it was important and sent me home after an hour.

My GP has been great and because I was still very concerned she referred me to a neurologist. When I saw him, he couldn't find anything wrong but thank god he did allow me to have an MRI scan. He didn't expect to find anything and in fact told me that, but was keen to put my mind at rest. I am so glad he did, even though I don't like what I have been told, it could be a lot worse than it is.

Sorry this is so long but it was strangely therapeutic writing it down, Thank you all very much.


Sanlou - I guess it probably hasn't really sunk it for you and your family yet. Now you have a firm diagnosis I'm sure you will get a lot of support. Fear of the unknown is always a major factor in such cases but if, between now and your operation you can read up all you can, hopefully this will help you to get through it. The internet is a good source of information but your medical team will be able to help you too. Hope you can get the surgery done soon so that it's not hanging over you for longer than necessary.

My mom has a meningioma; for the time being the doctor is taking a "wait and see" attitude. She gets a lot of support from this site at Johns Hopkins hospital:

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