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Panorama On Drone Strikes...

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ZedBloke | 00:21 Tue 11th Dec 2012 | News
16 Answers
The US, trigger happy it seems, struck a gathering of 60 in Pakistan. So they are going to sue the British! Why don't thy sue who actually did it? No doubt they are relying on the EU to force compensation out of us. Presumably they know they won't get anywhere stateside! You couldn't make it up!


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The US directed their drones to targets identified by the British. Many of those targets proved to be totally wrong and many innocent people died.

Pakistan are an ally. We certainly are not at war with them and drone strikes in this instance are illegal.

It seems reasonable to sue the people who pinpointed the wrong targets.
//Pakistan are an ally//

That's why they harbor so many of Al Qaeda then?
If this is the report it is old news. 11 March 2012

But if it is this story, then good riddance I say. 28 October 2012

"Pakistan are an ally"..........yeah course they are

nearly fell off my chair laughing at that
people might like to understand the distinction between "Pakistan" and "some Pakistani people".

Not everyone in Britain carries out government policy either.
Pakistan are not ally.......................................They are target.
keyplus is right; this is a war of ideologies, not countries physical borders.
Pakistan like Afghanistan is a corrupt hopeless state . They have been a haven for terrorists , and through their brain washing Madrasses are nurturing the extremists and in many cases have terrorist training facilities.
We are wasting our time and sacificing our lives for a hopeless cause.
Pakistan is a wobbly state, but very much less so than its neighbour Afghanistan.
We are involved in a war and there will collateral damage. It's not good when the innocent get killed, but it happens. Germany launched V1's in WW2 and many of them landed in London and civilians were killed.
I don't even know why we still allow free passage to and from our two countries.
Pakistan is a highly civilised country and we have close ties with it for lots of reasons. It probably isn't any more corrupt or hopeless governmentally than many other countries' governments. It also harbours political and religious extremists who are assessed as a threat to the "western world" and the UK, and for that reason I wouldn't condemn drone strikes outright. On the other hand "incidents" occur which, were they to be perpetrated by the people we profess to be fighting against, would be classed as ruthless acts of terrorism. And it's hard to see how the "hearts and minds" of the relatives of the dead and injured are being won over.
I wonder who the informers are that the drones can attack so precisely. In yesterdays paper they say the US has help from Pakistan officials. Seems they are playing a double edged game.
pdq1 Special Forces often identify targets.
"and we have close ties with it for lots of reasons"

main one being how many have flooded into the UK in recent times.
No, the main one is that Britain ruled it for a couple of hundred years and had no problems with pouring Brits into the country. So now the flow's reversed.

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