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Sky Marshall shooting

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Stu in USA | 20:12 Thu 08th Dec 2005 | News
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Has anyone else noticed the similarities between the recent shooting of an innocent airline passenger in the US and the shooting of an innocent underground passenger in the UK? Or what is just their skin colour?


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I couldnt have put it better myself.

P.S Stu Think you have read the wrong post because it in to way relates to your response.

However - just while I'm on - assuming you are in America - I am astonished you are critisising a relatively isolated incident in our country - where you live in a country where the gun culture is rife.You can walk into a shop and quite simply buy one.Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

P.S Stu - I was delighted because I thought another terrorist attack had been averted and that our intelligence were on the ball.I cannot put it any clearer than that.
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Again Drisgirl you repeat a common myth. It's called a background check. And how is a terrorist attack averted by killing innocents? PS I may be in USA, but I'm a Limey and proud that our Police are usually unarmed. I just feel that one serious mistake is one too many.

Stu - I stand corrected for believing News channels and such like.I was under the impression that the gun culture was rife in USA but obviously not.I was also under the misapprehension you could buy them over the counter - wrong again.

Now can we draw a line in the sand under the comment I made and you purposely are failing to understand.Had you been in the UK when this appeared as a newsflash on the TV I think I can speak for most people that there was a relief that a potential terrorist attack had been averted.

It was hours later that doubt was expressed.

Just to counter how are innocents protected by terrorists?

You'll be so glad as a limey that our police are unarmed thereby rendering them sitting ducks for armed robbers - murder of a policewoman 2 wks ago being a point in question.

One serious mistake too many? Try telling that to the families of the police officers who have been murdered in the line of duty and to the loved ones and victims whose lives have been decimated by terrorists.

I am starting to have doubts about your integrity - call it a gut instinct.

Stu. Every sane person thinks the accidental killing of an innocent is person is wrong. What is your point??? Hi Drisgirl! Glad you approved.

BTW Stu - what skin colour are you?Forgot to ascertain that before challenging your Q !!

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Drisgirl you were not wrong about the gun culture over here, just wrong about everything else. And certainly don't trust your gut.Yes of course innocents die at he hands of terrorists and police die in the line of duty, what is your point? I'll let your gut decide my skin colour.

O Stu-I am sorry you came up against me ina a healthy debate.(Lucky for you the more learned ABers are avoiding this)

You disputed my knowledge of gun culture and now accede I am right.

My point is your point innocents die - doh!!!

As for your skin colour I couldnt give a flyer but you made the point about skin colour not me.I made a fasecious remark re challenging you before answering your Q.Did skin colour come in to it - no.That alone totally negates your point.

I think you are either a fake or a wind up merchant because you are unable to justify any comments you have made and I dont believe you are in the USA - unless you sleep all day and are awake all night (possible I know).

Unless you make direct comments to me I shall not reply to you because I personally dont trust you and I think others should be wary.

Drisgirl, I appreciate you may have written the above comments in the heat of the moment, however, it doesn�t excuse the tone of arrogance you use. As a fellow Abeer who has, in the past laid out opinions, thoughtfully and articulately in opposition to (and occasionally agreement with) your views, It comes across as particularly conceited, and insulting, to claim that other ABeer�s are afraid to get into a debate with you, because you�re so often right???
Particularly when I read your earlier comments in this thread, which by your own admission are wholly inaccurate, (not to mention illogical).
I can understand you might have been angry at being made to look foolish, when you posted an answer without knowing the facts, but that was your mistake, not Stu�s. Regardless of your evident dislike for Stu in pointing it out your error, it doesn�t account for your paranoid ramblings of distrust and warnings to other ABeers. Come on get hold of the plot, and have a little more respect for the intelligence of fellow posters. Cheers : )

Just want to point something out...Jean Charles de Menezes was shot because the police made a huge mess of a surveillance operation.

They had the chance to apprechend him for around 20 minutes in between him leaving his residence and arriving at Stockwell tube station.

In the immediate aftermath, Sir Ian Blair made statements which have subsequently been refuted by witnesses.

However, getting back to the original point, I as a black man who always carries a big duffle bag in public am now acutely aware of the stress that the police are under, and consciously turn down my iPod when I'm walking into tube stations.

I'm serious...I wouldn't be able to hear anything shouted at me, and frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if I was stopped more frequently because...and this is my point - none of the terrorists have been white. Therefore, the police aren't going to be targetting people who look like Joanna Lumley.

The thing that really bugs me in the Menezes case is the bold faced lies that were told to us to cover up the huge mistake that had been made. I travel by tube every day and want to know that the police have reliable intelligence - I never want my name to appear on News At Ten

sp1814 - come on - if you are black you must be guilty of something and probably deserve to be shot anyway - I know this to be true as I read the Daily Mail.


As I recently said to a friend - the terrorist activities in London have effected me - being of Asian origin, I don't feel I can grow a beard safely. (sighs of relief from my wife)

Stevie - Patronising C****

BTW - like I could give a flyer - why when loads of people gave salient responses was it only Drisgirl who got the ;grief'.Was it cos it could have been a man you were responding to??Dont bother cos I wont visit this again - yous are all sad - speciallly one in particular.

I am seriously thinking about getting ot of here - it was fun but it has turned personal and that shouldt happen.


And BTW you were not involvled in my initial postings so who are you to criticise only me when others agreed with me.

Kiff or what???

Stevie - you win - You have succeded in totallty p!ssing me off.Fcuk knows what I did but hey it was nice knowing you.I am so glad I was NEVER personal and hurtful to you.I could quote a cb stupid Q you posted at my expense -u silly boy.

I on reflection am sorry for my outburts but I felt thet the posting was directed at me and I felt as this a debateing forum itt should never be personal,I perhaps gave diverse answers but it should have been debated in a serous way and I took exception to my name rearing its ugly head when others had agreed with me.So why not them..

I am behind this facade a normal funcionting being who wrongly takes personally anything thats directed at my user name.

I am a strong person but cant stand the insults directed at me when I cant face the person personally

I thought it was meant to be thought provoking and fun.

I give up - hey jan-bug if you read this the B's have beaten us/

And I'm sorry for my spelling errors - but its late and and I am slightly fired up.Love to all genuine ABers!!
Ironic note to self:
a) I should make sure of my facts before posting.
b) I should take some time to think and calm down before posting rude/offensive/stupid answers.
c) If wrong I should hold up hands and admit it, and not launch into a personal attack on someone just because they don�t agree with me.
d) I should not have a tantrum and throw out my teddies if criticised for launching �over-the-top� personal attacks on other ABers.
e) I should not claim other ABers should be afraid of me, because I�m always right, and they don�t know what they�re talking about.
f) Under NO circumstances should I get behind a keyboard when under the influence of alcohol.
g) I must remember to keep a sense of humour even when provoked by people who either haven�t read, or are unable to understand what I�m saying.
h) I must try and be tolerant and respect others views, even if I don�t agree with them.

As someone wiser once said �To err is human, to forgive divine!�
P.S. Can someone tell me when it�s safe to come out?

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