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Female Body Builders

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joko | 23:18 Wed 05th Oct 2005 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Why do most female bodybuilders - who mostly claim not to take steroids or any kind of hormone changing substances - get deep voices, masculine faces and rougher skin (rougher than most men!) - and i'll bet, if they didn't remove it, they'd be very hairy - if all they are doing is lifting weights?

why does weighlifting cause these changes rather than merely change physical appearance?

Some look not merely more masculine but almost grotesque caricatures

Are they fibbing about the steroids or does excessive weightlifting promote excessive natural hormonal changes?

Doesn't seem to have the same affect on male weightlifters. They seem to just bulk up, not devlop extra rough skin and extra thick hair and extra deep voices



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But... it does affect the men as well.  What is not generally known outside of competition weightlifting circles is that, in the U.S. at least, there are two classes of weightlifters for both men and women.  One class is the "natural" competitors... those that both profess no steroids and are willing to be tested for them.  The second class are those that won't compete with the first.  It is "known" by all that they do take steroids.  It's well known in both circles how really dangerous the steroids are, at least in the long run, but one group is willing to suffer the consequences.  In women, the deep voices, requirement to shave or otherwise remove excess hair, loss of menstrual function, breast problems and all the other consequences are suffered for competition... in the men, the increased aggresion, loss of sex drive, bone problems, ad infinitum, are all well documented as well...
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Thanks Clanad, but the ones who claim not to take steroids and are proved to be telling the truth - why do they look masculine besides muscles? What effect does weightlifting have on the body other than muscles, that changes their physical appearance.

What I mean is, the effect on women is different from the effect on men. Aside from effects dependant on gender like menstruation and penile dysfunction, women get coarser skin, why don't men? and if womens voices deepen why don't mens? As mens skin is already coarser they should all look like leatherface of TCSM, and as their voices are already deeper they should sound like Barry White. The women just sound like men trying to do an impression of a woman. Other than the huge muscles the men generally look and the same as the average man facially, except perhaps for a wider neck and a tan.

Just wondering if anyone outside of the bodybuilding community finds these people.....both male and female remotely attractive! Saw a trailer for a show next week on Channel 5 called - Supersize Me - about a UK female bodybuilder and personally think that she is quite repulsive!!
yes i agree libertie, i think they lok disgusting and in a way fake. its just horrible! cant say id want to look like that!

In answer to joko, one has to understand that the primary steroid used by both men and women is testosterone in derivation.  Most of the hard core drugs are illegally imprted from other countries... ethlestrenol and methandriol chief among them.  Some of the extreme users even resort to anabolic steroids developed for animal use by veterinarians.  Having said that, the affects of testoserone on female and males is somehat different.  It does dramatically increase muscle mass.  However, the masculine appearance you describe in females is simply the increase in the size and development of the various muscles and the emphasizing of masculine characteristics.  The comparison of the end results, to our view in our society, of what a "normal" woman should look like is often one of distaste, to say the least.

Fact is, many dedicated bodybuilders take great pride in achievement and see profound beauty in being able to have the dedication to produce such bodies.  It's not for everyone, obviously.  For those builders that achieve the end result only through dedication and hard work, I rather admire them.  The ones that resort to drug use are to be pitied, especially in a few years when the total results of the abuse become apparent. Somewhat like Sumo wrestlers, I would think... many aficianados see beauty, but many others, including most westerners do not share such views...

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But what about the ones who do NOT take steroids!?

It's pretty obvious that any woman taking testosterone is going to develop male characteristics. Thats a given.

But the ones who don't take it look the same! Why?

Are they lying or does the repetetive movement of their muscles being pumped somehow cause an imbalance of testosterone naturally?

Does the action release chemicals into their blood?

Or does it stop other chemicals being produced?

There doesn't seem any reason why it should, so how do you explain the changes?

simple most female bb are forced to lie about their as use as they compete in tested competitions. get to know them and most are quite open about their usage. there was an interview with an anonymous female pro posted on but i think it got removed.

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