My dad has always done my decorating for me but he died two years ago, last week I decided to paint the kitchen OH helped and we did a good job. OH got all pleased with himself and asked me if I wanted the front room doing, I decided I wanted the fireplace wall papered, painted the rest of the room and then today OH thought he'd do the papering, lots of shouting and swearing later he came into the kitchen and phoned a decorator pal of his who is coming tomorrow to paper the wall £40, but also had to go and buy another two rolls of wallpaper as after OH's attempts there wasn't enough left to do the job.
What have you ever tried to do that has ended up costing you more money than if you had just paid somebody to do the job in the first place?
Sorry to hear you lost your Dad Traci x and yes it's good OH try and do the DIY but some aren't born to this way of life ! lol and it's good to be able to use the OH mates they are so macho but decorating for some is a no go x
Happy new decorated rooms.