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Swearing - kids

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tinkerbell23 | 14:02 Tue 12th Jun 2012 | Parenting
20 Answers
Do you shout at or give your kids into trouble for swearing? (im sure you do for young kids but i mean adult kids!?)

Or does it not really bother you unless it was excessive!? Or telling a story?

Or does your mother or father still give you into trouble lol....even if you are "old enough"



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I think that the use of swear words demonstrates a lack of command of the English language and lack of vocabulary, it may even demonstrate a lack of respect for those who prefer not to hear foul language.
I never heard my parents use foul language, and I doubt if my other half has heard me use it more than once or twice in over 30 years, and if I thought she had, I'd apologise.
Unfortunately the youth of today do not have the same level of respect for others, particularly their elders.
One of my children swears A LOT, when I am speaking to her on the phone I tell her at the beginning of the conversation that if she swears I will hang up and I do.
It's a time and a place thing.
I was bought up to never swear infront of women or children.
I dislike swearwords being used as punctuation marks. With older kids I will point this out with a sentence such as: "How many F#&!ing f#&ks can you fit into a F#&!ing sentence?"
It at least makes them think about what they're saying.
I would still never swear in front of my mother and I am mid 40s.
Doesn't bother me. It's the meaning behind them that means more.
I worked with a man who swore a lot, but the context and humour, meant that it was not at all offensive.
Hoever, I do know people who when they swear, it really is horrible.
^ However!
I tend not to swear in front of my parents, I think they would probably be mortified if I did :o
I swear quite a lot around friends but I never do it at home. It's almost automatic! They wouldn't bother if I did though! They swear all the time! My mum's the worst!!
neither of my adult children swears much; i'm the trooper in my family!
Speak for yourself doc ! LOL I swear frequently, and use the 'F' word quite a lot and both children (both adults) have been known to swear. I expect they still do. The question is only to know when it's appropriate and accepted and teach the children those rules.

I do hope it's not a lack of command of the English language or lack of vocabulary in our case.

Respect? Years ago, I went with my brother-in-law and wife to a soccer game one Christmas, when the man in front swore. My brother in law said to him "Please mind your language. There are ladies and my sister present" I don't think his sister took that too well.LOL But that wouldn't happen now. Crowds swear at football games and any woman who attends one knows that and accepts it; it's a fact of life.

There's really no harm in it. There is harm in the anger expressed with it, but the words themselves are harmless. Who is genuinely shocked by them nowadays? Not many, I suspect
FredPuli43, you dmonstrate my point admirably!
sorry "demonstrate"
"I think that the use of swear words demonstrates a lack of command of the English language" oh *that* old chestnut !
I agree with what Stephen Fry says about this, many many people who use four letter words have a great command of the English language and - I might add - often use so called 'bad language' rather poetically if well placed.
I think swearing is a) a healthy release during times of frustration or pain and b) can add gravitas and emphasis to the English language in a unique way.
IMO children should be brought up to know when swearing is 'appropriate', ie. to be able to control/kerb it when in mixed company or in public.
I got a clip round the ear for swearing unnecessarily when I was a child, I believe I know as an adult when it is or isn't appropriate.
My family and I are 'free range' with our four letter words when we get together and most of the time, they are used humerously.
For the above reasons and more, I have real issues with the control of peoples' so called 'bad language' - in real life and online, within reason of course.
I'm positive my two sons - not my daughter - uses swear words in the work place and when with their male mates - but in my house or in their own homes in front of wives and children - no way. I've certainly never heard them swear in my hearing :)
*humourously - oops !
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I admit to being a bit sweary sometimes....i hear myself and thinkni have to stop it!! Sometimes my mum says OI!!! I try not to infrompnt of gran ....if i do i almost whisper it....and not the F word....never the C word lol

I try not to swear loud in company till i asses whos there......but im not offended by it at all to be honest.. Xx
My father once told me to 'stop f***ing swearing'.... :c)
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The only thing i cringe at is when people say

Is every-c**t going
What c***s are there or something....aargh x
I used to work with a man who said "bloody" all the time - yes, it's not as bad as the other words, but in the way he used it, I found it offensive. It was as if saying that was less "swearing" than using the F word. The C word suddenly seems to be in use much more - I find that really offensive.
I only call someone a c*** if I really believe they are one (not literally of course) eg. Richard Littlejohn.

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