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Minecraft for 360

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Booldawg | 13:10 Wed 23rd May 2012 | Gaming
14 Answers
I understand this is now available for download at the moderate sum of 1200 points.

TBH I didnt really get into it on the PC but like the idea of it. Is anyone else playing the 360 version and how does it shape up?


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Son played it on pc and now he and his g/friend are playing it on 360, they have spent goodness knows how many hours playing and whilst visiting at the weekend, they showed us what they had created, which although very impressive still doesn't do anything for me. Managed to convince daughter that she needed it too, so she downloaded it, she hasn't had much time to play with it so far, but I think that it will suck her in and eat at her free time!
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I see it as online Lego!
Exactly what I said!. I haven't got the time or the inclination to sit playing with Lego for hours on end, now give me Zelda on the wii and I will happily play for as long as possible.
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my boys love it and have spent far too much of their short lives so far on it. The have created some fabulous stuff and my eldest and his friend now also now have a Youtube channel with minecraft stuff on it. Someone also did a hunger games version which they showed me and it looked like fun. I think they like the diversity of it. but to answer the original post, we don't have it on 360, but I would imagine that it would be the same thing more or less so if it didn't wow you on the pc then it probably wouldn't in another format.
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I bought some points yesterday and downloaded Minecraft and the excellent Trials Evolution. As it was late I had a quick blast online with Trials and not got round to having a look at minecraft yet.
Apparently very good. There is a split screen mode too.

The worlds are limited in size though, so you can't explore forever :)
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I am looking forward to playing it. I didnt get into it on PC because I had the free version whereby I (dont think) you can save your creations so their was no real point in getting into it.

It'll be a welcome diversion from heavier games just as Skyrim.
The free version was "creative mode" and didn't offer you things like zombies, day/night cycles, dungeons, other dimensions etc. The paid-for version is well worth it and good fun in a group.
lol boys both playing skyrim at the moment one has it on the pS3 and the other on the PC. Is there any way of getting onto a group with that kind of game - sorry if I am being a bit thick. They play minecraft on a shared server with their friends.
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Skyrim is very much a single player game with no online play at all.

I've started playing Minecraft and enjoying it. Playing it on peaceful mode until I get my head around it. Collected loads of materials to build a shelter and then a powercut knocked the xbox out :-(

That Trails Evolution is definitely worth a look. Very few games have that 'just one more go' factor. Online is great, has a brilliant track editor. Even Mrs Booldawg is hooked!
thanks booldawg - is that trails game available on PS3/PC or is it just an xbox thing? If you've a mind for some info on Minecraft, my boy and his friend (they are 11) have a youtube channel GamingMania100 is their user name. my boy is Darthcraig2000!!
you should visit my world on xbox, I have built an optimus prime house, and just opened a tesco metro . gt: doomey Incidently anyone looking for off the rails acheviement, cake cheev, and wheat cheev can earn all of them in my world, and also the nethergate one
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I think the trials game is xbox 360 only. I'll check out your lads YT channel and add doomey.

I'm getting into this Minecraft lark. Its the most pointless game ever made but strangely addictive.

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