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Canon MV530i Camcorder

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jackthehat | 15:22 Wed 24th Mar 2010 | Technology
3 Answers
(Question also posted in Electronics)

This camcorder seems to be charging batteries with no problem and can run off the battery and mains.
However, regardless of 'power-source', I cannot get it to enter 'camera mode' to record................which is pretty much fundamental to having a camcorder.

Playback is fine; but switched to 'camera mode', (on any power source) it emits a 'click' and ceases to function. The 'click' causes the power light to drop to about half intensity and it also inhibits the 'battery charge' light.

It is not then possible to switch back to 'play mode' (without having to disconnect power source i.e. battery and mains) because the same symptoms occur then.

I have to unplug/remove battery to return camcorder to playback mode.

Any suggestions ? (Not including the need to purchase a new camcorder)


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Just a guess - stuck lens motor. It's trying to focus or zoom, and it can't.
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Thanks, rojash.........I'll investigate :o)
Hi did you ever get a solution to this problem with the camcorder....

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Canon MV530i Camcorder

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