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Windows asking me to back up on a disc

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smurfchops | 15:24 Sat 14th Aug 2010 | Technology
4 Answers
OK I have a white flag logo on my Windows XP laptop, asking me to back up Windows on a removable disc. I have tried a CD-R, a DVD-R and a DVD+R. It asks me to Insert Removable Disc, which I have already done. But then I don't know which threads to follow. It doesn't seem to want to go any further and I can't cancel the back up either. It goes up to about 28% and then stops. Is my disc formatted and if not is this the problem? Now I have a white flag with a red cross on it. How do I get the disc to back up, what should I press? I have an 'emachines' laptop from Tesco, around a year old, no Word on it so I can't type documents. What does it need to back up? There are a few photos on there, I usually use it just for the internet. If you need to know anything else about the laptop, ask me in laymen's terms - about contents of hard drive etc. It didn't come with a book so I don't know which disc to use, as you can see above I have tried both + and -. The red cross is annoying me now.


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Any answers please ??
Do you have a Backup and Restore Centre on your computer? I have Microsoft Works on my PC, and I'm no expert, but my Backup and Restore Centre takes care of backing up files. Just a thought.
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Maybe I'll try pressing that button .. thanks.
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I pressed Backup and Restore, it asks me what I want to back up and I don't even want to back anything up ! I eventually managed to cancel the backup.

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Windows asking me to back up on a disc

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