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roof over the head

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DarleyAngel | 09:26 Fri 28th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
I am still stuck on the following (even after clues??) - types of buildings, (fiction, fact or song) inc fixture fittings etc

14. sack site (9)
33. early animal rescue centre (5.3)
35. tax, see tin (7) ????ican
40 camel train (7)
79 derbyshire town (12)
93 unstable, liable to collapse (5,2,5)

Help I need to post today or email over the weekend!!!


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35 tax - vat
79 Chesterfield ?
33 Noahs Ark ?
40 Caravan ?
14 Fireplace ?
93.... think Whist,Cribbage,Solo
sorry yesterdays clues didn`t help too much, hope it`s now in the post

Question Author
sometimes it takes me a while to get the clues
thanks for all your help.

still stuck on no 93
93) House of Cards ?
Yes moonshadow...tha'll be the one!

I have decided, I'm not giving clues anymore, they are obviously, not good clues!

Not being funny Darleyangel, but if you dont get the first lot of clues and then you dont get the second lot of clues....Why do you do quizzes...I really am not being antagonistic...I just want to know?

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roof over the head

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