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Same sh*t, different day!

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CAJ1 | 14:24 Wed 04th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers stion717670.html

Following on from yesterday post he's made me cry today so I think my rant was justified!

How's your day at work going?


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s s d d

if hes made you cry


not good

if you let him make you cry

thats also not good

in future , bite your lip.

crying is normally associated with a defence mechanism to appeal for sympathy.
if youre in the right then dont cry

not until after

or you will look like youre admitting you were wrong

be strong

be resolute

not great but not as bad as yours, whats he doing to make you cry? have you got an HR department you can go to?
Question Author
I cried afterwards when I was by myself, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry!


will hormone replacement help?

surely thats a bit drastic????
That's the problem when you emply women and tell them off............they cry.
Btw if its the same sh1t

on a different day

id say you should flush it away :0)
Question Author
He's just being really rude to me and either talking to me in a way I would never talk to anyone in or ignoring me when I go and ask for help. I do a lot of his work for him you see and he tries making me do work he should be doing and when I ask because I don't understand or say I shouldn't be doing it, he's so rude. I think he still thinks he's in the army!

HR are no good, one person works in it and just so happens to be very chummy with him. I've been down that route before and all that happened was he was even worse because he knew I'd been telling tales.

Lol, legend, that made me laugh! :o)
I used to have a boss like this and after keeping a log of events I went to the union. He was moved elsewhere, promotion blocked for 2 years and made to retrain in 'people skills'
Well they say thats the way to a womans




are you

robert morely?
ummmm, sounds a like there could be a bit of bullying in the workplace going on, him seeing you near to tears wether it isn't infont of him or not, seems to be feeding his ego somewhat, not much of an HR when she's so chummy with a "perpatrator" that she would take sides, isn't there anyone else above your HR you could have a chat to? if they say you must go through HR first, explain your feelings about doing that...Good Luck
Ah thats so unfair hun!

If he's asked you to do something that he should be doing himself how are you supposed to know what to do? Especially if he won't listen when you ask for help.

Have you thought about doing an assertiveness course as I think you need to stand up to him more! Or otherwise look for a different job.
leggy..LOL LOL

Important when appointing women.

1) Make sure it couldn't be done better than a man
2) Interview carefully, appearance, intellect and that they have finished having babies.
3) Never become friendly and NEVER sh@g them.
4) Then give them your undivided loyalty and support.
5) A good woman is always better than a good man and more attractive.

Worked for me...3 secretaries in 40 yrs who were very protective of me and still keep in contact.
Question Author
Its a pity I'm not part of a union, I know for a fact he has upset a lot of people with his attitude. I normally ignore his behaviour and take it in my stride but he got to me today.

Thanks for cheering me up!
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I've been on all them courses but if I stand up to him I get told off for having an attitude! HR is not very good at all and I've been above her in the past and it just gets passed back down. I would find a new job but there's not much going on the job market at the moment and I'm not leaving because of him!
Well good for you! Hope it gets better for you xx
that's the spirit girl, don't think of leaving, perhaps it would irritate him a bit if you were to be bright and sunny with everyone around you, even him, I'm sure that will be hard to be that way with him but at least let him see he will not break you, what about getting an old army uniform from the A&N Stores( do they still exist?) if so, make an effigy and when you get home, kick the s**t out of
Question Author
Thats a good idea joy11! My bf is in the RAF so I'm sure I can get the correct materials from him! I think I got upset because I'm missing him too, normally this stuff doesn't bug me.

I'm going to put a smile on my face and be sooo nice and polite it irritates him in the same way he irritates me by being so rude...we'll see who has the last laugh lol!

Thanks xx

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Same sh*t, different day!

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