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Sexual harrasment

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firewatch | 19:59 Sat 28th Feb 2009 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
Hi not been on for a while, sorry my bad!
I have had an awful week at work, no change there some may say.
Basically where i work we have residents, fully cognitive (on the most part) adults and teenagers.
One in particular has taken to making lewd comments aimed at me, with sexual content as well. At first i thought it was harmless flirting, which i get quite alot i dont know why!
However the comments where getting so lewd that another resident actually pointed out to them it was inappropriate as i was a staff member.
He continued and i reported him to his allocated worker, who had a word. However, the comments made towards me effected me so badly i went over the allocated workers head to my line manager who has had a word, putting the person on an official warning.
Now i can normally cope with it, as i said i get it quite a bit, but i was really shocked and upset by this one guy that was in tears by the end of my shift, and home that night many Jelly babies died.
I dont know why but i have spiralled back into my depression which i so hate, and cant seem to lift my mood!!!! Even going out on the BMW bike has not helped when it usually does! Any advice would be appreciated, i don't know what to do next.


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sounds horrible, and stressful, but just accept that you feel like cr4p today, dont beat yourself up. by the time you have been to bed, slept a few hours and woken up tomorrow perhaps things will have a better perspective. hope so xx
Can't offer any advice Firewatch but hope you have better days and maybe things will change.

And be sure to have more words if there is a repeat performance.
Yes but firewatch you have just had a major upheaval in your life and that makes you very vulnerable, its as if a pinprick is a dagger, you are open to hurt. Let it be known to your superiors you are still in a recovery mode and try to accept that these people you help care for are in trouble too, let it wash over you as much as you can without taking too much abuse. You will get strong again.
All the luck in the world
Mamya x
"and home that night many Jelly babies died. "

Don't understand that bit.
Question Author
When i get stressed i get a bag of jelly babies and rip there heads off one by one.
And thanks mamya, ur words are very kind and yes im still healing.
Oh, it will happen again! it goes in one ear and out the other with the lot i work with!
firewatch........ah!! it!!!!!.......a ....seems....good idea firewatch.
Please dont think i was saying you should take the abuse, just that it hurts much more when you are low. I was low and weary when i read your post and answered as I thought ,yes we all have set backs, but grow because of them.
Mamya x
Have you had any training in how to deal with challenging behaviour?? if not-please request it...not just for yourself,but for all staff. There should be a strong support network there for you when this sort of thing happens repeatedly.
PS-'lewd comments with sexual content' is NOT harmless flirting..particilarly if coming from a vulnerable adult.
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Thanks Pasta, it is outlined in the staff hand book that this behaviour is unacceptable, from other staff or residents.

i have not received training in how to deal with it other than shut the window and call the allocated workers office to get them to come and deal with the person.

He is NOT a vulnerable adult, he is fully compes mente as they say!
It was dealt with by my line manager within an hour of me reporting it, but it is the attitude that i should 'let it go over my head' i don't appreciate.I am front desk so cop the flac from everyone.

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Sexual harrasment

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