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beer out of date

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janela | 11:24 Fri 05th Sep 2008 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
I have a large number of bottles of stella in my hut that I discovered when clearing out. I couldn't believe that they have a drink by date on them. I always thought that bottled and tinned stuff, provided that the bottles/cans were intact would last for donkeys years. (They are not that out of date - about three years). We have opened a bottle, it doesn't smell or taste any different from a new one but I don't want to poison anyone. Is there any likeliehood that it has really become unfit to drink or is the use by date just there to cover the back of the manufactuers.


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If the bottles are undamages & have been stored correctly there should be no problem with it, after all tinned stuff years old has been taken from old caches left by explorers etc & when tested it proved to be perfectly edible. As regards to the dates most now state "Display & Best By" not "Use By". If you are still unsure let me know were you live & I'll be glad to test it for you
i'll drink it!
-- answer removed --
Stella tastes like cr@p anyway - you'd never know the difference.

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beer out of date

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