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nicnicnic | 20:34 Thu 06th Jan 2005 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
I posted a question last week about a guy who i was textin who hadnt text me back.  He seemed keen etc, and said he would talk to me the next day. Its been a week now, and hes been seen at work etc by a friend.  I know this makes no sense but hes so sweet normally and I just feel really low because I cant think of what I did! Why do men do this? Do you think it was me scarin him off?  PLease help me I need as much advice as poss cos i feel so rubbish!!Please please!! What can I do to stop myself feeling so bad?


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Could you not bump into him somewhere and say "Hello Stranger! How are you?" in a cheerful way? That way you are being friendly but he also has to explain himself, and it's less intense than a text. If it was me though I wouldn't bother. You gave him the chance to contact you, and he chose not to. He is just superficial. Do see him again, but make sure you have another bloke on your arm at the time!!!
He may have lost his phone which stores your number! Maybe you sent a text message to the wrong number by mistake. Never rely on texting as I know to my cost. The only thing to do is talk to him face to face. Say something like "I tried to text you, but I don't think I sent it to the right number." You'll be able to work out from his response how he feels. I hope it's a good result for you.


Its pretty obvious he is not interested just forget it pick yourself up and get on with life.

you do seem to come across as quite needy - when people are starting to get together one over keen party can be quite a turn off - write this one off as a bad lot and next time try and play it a bit cooler - swop numbers and let him do the majority of running just show a casual interest so that he knows you are available (e.g. no phoning twice a day and texting at 3 in the morning after the first date)

Hey Nicnicnic,

Don't know much bout single life now that I am married, but If I were single I would definatly be buying a book named "Hes Just Not That Into You".  Its basically a real in your face book written by a man, about why men so the things they do.  I would like to say also from personal experiences in the past, that a man who isnt making his every effort to be in contact with you, really just doesnt like you.  maybe they fear hurting your feeling, or even losing the slight chance of you being his last ditch effort for a date or bootie call.  So if he keeps the lines open a little, hes not fully blowing you off.  Just their way of keeping you on the side.  Sorry if this was to honest, but to be a strong woman youve got to face reality.  Make sure you look into that book as well, its perfect for single woman.

Yep, I think he is not interested and doesn't want to tell you straight, just hoping that eventually you will get the message.
Yes I think you scared him off! Basically, men like to do the chasing. I know that�s a really non-PC thing to say, but men like to be the �hunters� so if a guy likes you (and you like him of course) let him pursue you and let him be the one to initiate all phone calls/texts/e-mails etc, at least in the early stages of the relationship. Act a little nonchalant and don�t agree to meet up with him every time he suggests (make out you�re busy even when you�re not). It might sound a bit manipulative, but it does work. Better luck next time.
I'd sure as hell get out there and find somebody new.

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