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homerbart | 13:01 Tue 19th Feb 2008 | Pets
8 Answers
What is everybody like out there. I got my wee doggie about 3 and half years ago and since then I really dont like leaving him even to go out to socialise.

Even when I visit friends I cant wait to get home to him. Am I very unusual.


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I don't think you are unusual at all, I hate leaving my dogs, I work part time, just 3 hours each morning and I always feel really guilty about leaving them and I am always really happy to see them when I get home and get such a wonderful greeting, we are going for a lovely long walk in a minute it's such a beautiful day. (-:
Change your friends to doggy ones so you can take him with you!

If mine are not welcome I don't go.
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thanks for that - but when I bring my doggie down to one of my friends - he (the dog) wants to carry on and wont settle
I feel just as you do about my wee dog.
Fotrtunately, my Hubby an take her with him to work but dogs are not allowed where I work.
When we do have to leave her it breaks my heart. She just sits under the coffee table and stares at us.
We do take most places when we go out though.
I don't work and Max usually goes everywhere with me, but when I occassionally have to leave him at home he is a real expert at making me feel guilty. However on the two week-ends a year when he has to go in kennels he sits in the back of the car whimpering and putting the guilt on me all the way to the kennels, then as soon as he sees Rachael he trots off as happy as larry knowing the girls in the kennel will spoil him leaving me feeling rotten for deserting him
Hi homerbart, and everyone else :)

I am absolutely the same-we have been very lucky, in that my partner has worked nights for some time, and I have been at Uni only a couple of days a week, so Jack has hardly been left, however my partner now works days, and I will be looking for full time work soon, which will absolutely have to accommodate Jack, or I won't be doing it!! He is too special to me to even have to consider giving him up. The very thought gets me all emotional! So we will definitely be working round him.
I just think it's unreasonable to leave him for too long, especially as his separation anxiety has been so pronounced up until recently.

We won't be holidaying without him-foreign hols can wait; if he can't come, we don't go! Not sure my partner agrees, but can't say I am too worried!

Glad to hear we are all that way! x
have you thought about having a chew toy (stuffed kongs are good) to take and let the dog have only when you go visiting so he has something to do beside make a fuss? Give him a good long walk first, also take a favourite blanket to lie on, put the end of the lead under your shoe and try to ignore him.

Our boys are only just 3 months old and really boisterous so taking them with isn't really an option, but we aren't great goers out anyway. Once they are older and can guarantee not to pee on the carpet then we will start leaving them for a few hours. Its too hot in the summer for them to sit in the car while I/we shop so they will have to learn to be left alone. I do leave then alone short while in their cage if I need to go out and can't take them and most mornings they spend some time alone while I am upstairs (stairs are gated) with the door open so they can run in and out....can't leave acess to outdoors while I am out as people have had break ins round here and if you leave a door open, the insurance won't cough a penny.
If I ever have to leave my 2 dogs at home for a few hours, I leave either the radio or TV on, give them a treat and tell them I will be back soon! Our vet told me to do this as if the house is quiet then they hear every noise outside but by leaving radio on, they tend to have a sleep as it sounds as though someone is in the house.

If we go away for any weekend/holiday, I have a housesitter who is great! she is the 20 year old daughter of a friend, who still lives at home and she loves having a house to herself, before I had her, I spoke to the Vets nurses, and they told me to look on the vets noticeboard and even told me one of the vets assistants does housesitting.

When we are on holiday our housestitter still has to go to work locally weekdays but she comes back at lunchtimes and plays with the dogs whilst she has her lunch. Then of course she walks them in the evenings and even lets them sleep with her!
It works for us, we love our dogs and cats and can go away knowing they are being cared for in their own home.

No your not unusual just loving caring pet owners.

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