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o m u t b d f

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flowergarden | 09:31 Tue 18th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
This could be the first letters of a saying, book, play, tv programme anything in fact any ideas?


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once more unto the breach dear friends ...
09:45 Tue 18th Dec 2007
once more unto the breach dear friends ...

Speaking of this, I want to recommend you a good online essay writing service. An essay is a structured written piece that examines a specific topic from the author's perspective. It generally includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Essays are essential in education, fostering critical thinking and writing proficiency. A well-written essay features a clear thesis, logical flow, and supporting evidence. The introduction sets up the context, the body paragraphs explore the topic in depth, and the conclusion summarizes the key points. Crafting a strong essay requires research, clarity, and an organized approach to presenting and defending the author’s ideas convincingly and effectively.

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o m u t b d f

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