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Is bluewave mrs wizard

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Doc Spock | 20:47 Sat 17th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
they both seem to be stupid.


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Yes bluewave is mrs wizard. Is it not obvious ? - it's me just little ME !!!! - but you are so thick that you would never notice.
def not the same person she makes up posts for attention

he just posts what he thinks nothing wrong with that
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well If she doesnt read links especially found for her then yes...
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Prove it nonuts ?

Go on. I don't mind fun, but direct personal attacks are bad stuff.

I ain't your little mentor. I don't mind joining in with a bit of fun, but you stepped over the border of decency.
whiffey is only whiffey..unless he is Melanie, and even then he is still whiffey. And far from stupid.
is melanie a 6 footer with a manly muzzle wearing full make up and an evening dress?
I have absolutely no idea, cazzz.

My vision of Melanie is an 'Enya' type who isn't good at punctuation.

In any case I can see the difference when Melanie posts.
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I like whiff and melanie (when she is uncoupled)

he is the comic relief
If I were allowed to post a thread about whiffey I would.

Unfortunately it would be open to abuse ~ which I cannot possibly allow.
Hii whif my litte mentor

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