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Norton Antivirus

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medsecslave | 20:53 Mon 22nd Jan 2007 | Internet
4 Answers
Over the last few weeks when switching on, I've had a Norton Internet Security message telling me to uninstall and reinstall Norton Anti-Virus as it does not support the repair wizard?? I've just ignored it but tonight, the icon is flashing a warning signal on my taskbar and now I'm not protected apparently against Trojan.peacomm. I've done as I'm told and clicked on the protect now box, have installed live updates etc and restarted my PC but am still getting the warning and am again being asked to uninstall and reinstall NAV. Could this be some kind of virus courtesy of my 16 year old and his downloading of music? Any advice welcomed. Thanks!


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If you type Norton in the search box on this page, you will find hundreds of posts from experienced users and professionals saying that basically it's load of dog poo.
Uninstall it intall AVG which is better, more reliable, and FREE!
totally agree. Since Norton messed up my then new pc (3 yrs ago). I uninstalled it and installed AVG. Works like a dream and is free with free updates.

Norton is rubbish!
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Do I have to uninstall NAV to install AVG - I can't use both?
Yes, you must uninstall NAV. Never ever try to run two firewalls or two antivirus apps at the same time

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