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Can someone make me dinner please?

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ladyshy | 22:22 Sun 21st Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
Oh go on.... I'm shattered! I'll bring a bottle of wine...

China xx


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Yes what would you like? :)) xxxxxxx
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Awwww... bless you angel. I'm easy, I'll just have what you're having... and two paracetamol. If you need me I'll be curled up in a ball in the corner of a room rocking lol
Reach for phone... order takeaway... choose DVD... put in player... open said bottle of wine... sorted! :o)
Hard day? :(( i had porridge, i can do much better than that though :)) xxxxxxxxx
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Takeaway sounds much better than porridge!!
followed by somethin chocolatey... and curl up under duvet... zzzzzzzzzz
i'm not hiding under the duvet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Carla - Just long day, spent all day preparing questions for a pub quiz which has killed off whatever brain cells I had. But I'd love to sample your cooking :0) (I'm saying nowt about your brothers) Then mum just phoned to tell me that a bloke I lived with 10 years a go called and asked for my number and she gave it to him... I'm just gonna go in to hiding, it's the only way lol

Lol! Bless, not in the mood for a take away alas... well unless it's a curry and the ones round here are naff! But the DVD is already chosen... as are the PJ's! :0)
ok... how 'bout... forget food... open 'two' bottles of wine... watch DVD... pass out... Hey, its Monday!!! :-)
Curlyfilm - you could be hiding under the duvet tomorrow after taking a sneaky day off work!!
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Don't think that'll help the headache Snagged but a good idea none the less :0)

Goodnight all.... This is China Doll leaving the building! xx

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Can someone make me dinner please?

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