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Tax on cigarettes

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stoogmeister | 21:48 Mon 09th Aug 2004 | How it Works
11 Answers
How much tax is put on an average pack of cigarettes (20) in the UK? How much money does the government make every year from the tax on cigarettes?


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Enough that made me give up last year! A pack o' faaaaags overseas is only about �2? so that about �3, i reckon
�2 overseas, but they'll probably be paying tax aswell. Probably more like �3.50 a packet. I heard a statistic once that the tax paid per annum on cigarettes is enough to pay for the entire NHS budget.
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I heard the same statistic myself. One of the reasons for my question. There was a plan to stop treating smokers who got cancer etc. but it was thrown out because of the tax money from cigarettes or so i heard. Wouldn't be very fair, would it!
By the same standards they'd have to stop treating obesity side effects, sports injuries... car crash victims... they just like picking on smokers.
The lowest i've seen a packet of 20 marlboro lights for example is 75p. Although this is with no duty added. Here the same packet is something around �4.52 so added duty and govt tax is around �3.77.
There are three taxes on cigarettes ad valorem tax at 22% of the retail price excise duty at �99.80 per 1000 cigarettes VAT @ 17.5% I don't buy cigarettes, but based on the �4.52 already mentioned, you get VAT 75p ad valorem duty 93p excise duty �2.00 That's �3.68 of tax on a basic cost of goods �1.32 It's a long time since I was involved in applying ad valorem rates on flat rate excise duties with VAT on top, so I might have made a mistake in dealing with the interaction of the taxes. I reckon I could be out by about 7p
Dunno, but as far as I'm concerned, all cigarettes, cigars & pipe tobacco should have 99% tax on them. They all pollute our lungs, so are of no use to anyone!
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Everyone seems to be guessing. Does anyone know the actual figures? Smudge, maybe there should be 99% tax on petrol as well seeing as cars (and other vehicles) pollute the atmosphere as well. How about a 99% tax on alcohol as well! And anything else that is bad for us!!! If all the smokers in the UK quit smoking the annual budget would be A LOT less. That's how much tax is put on cigarettes. So why don't you stop your whining!
If Pinus is right in his calculations that makes the tax rate about 486%. That's better by far than the 99% postulated by Smudge. Chuck the wole lot of the filthy killer tobacco drugs away, I say.
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In 2001/2002 �9.5 billion came from the tax on tobacco products (according to a website). The cost of one pack (20) of the leading brand in the UK is 84% tax (excise duty plus VAT). In comparison: beer 29%, wine 51%, spirits 60%, unleaded petrol 74%. The UK tax on tobacco products is THE highest in the world. Hippy and Smudge, do you drink at all? Drive cars? Eat fatty food?
Nope. No booze for me any more. Recovering alcoholic here.

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Tax on cigarettes

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