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tiacoco | 21:25 Wed 29th Nov 2023 | Body & Soul
5 Answers

Hi been in so much pain for last 6 months with hip pain.

Doctor has giving me 50mg tramadol and lidocaine patches.

Which now do not help is there a stronger pain killer i can get on nhs.

As now thinkinging about going private for a injection but at 500 pounds which i cant afford is there any options for me.

Pay 500 pounds hope it works but dont pay my bills or just suffer 



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Maybe better to repost this in Body and Soul?

Moderator's note:  You've posted in the Ed's Blog, rather than in Body & Soul.  So your post might get missed by others here.  If you repost in B&S, I'll then delete this thread.  (Otherwise I'll leave it here).

If I was in your situation though, I'd be pressing my GP for a referral to a specialist pain clinic.  They offer alternative solutions to pain management, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, which might possibly help you.

Can you give us any more info?

Do you know what is causing the pain, do you need a hip replacement, can you not get a steroid injection on the NHS?

There might be a stronger painkiller you can get, but you would only get it from your GP.

Some GPs will give you an injection or you may need to go to the hospital if they don't.

There are stronger painkillers such as fentanyl but doctors may be reluctant to prescribe it for chronic pain because it is so addictive.


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