not sure if thats a good title lol! im just starting ou course and will need to type out my essays on the computer to print out etc what i need to know is what programme do i need to use on the computer to do this ? have only ever used puter for internet etc ! also can u get a programme or something that will tell u where to put your full stops commas and all that i got spell check for the spelling so something simlar to that , thanks in advance
Hi, Ratter is right [of] i would suggest spending some time 'playing' with Word as it can seem a little daunting, well it did when I returned to education aged 35!!! You'll be amazed how quickly you pick it up and very soon you'll be churning out 5000 word essays no problem!
But Word is an excellent standard. If you don't have it, and don't want to pay, OpenOffice is a good free alternative that includes spreadsheets and a database.
You could download and install It's completely free, brought to by the nice people who invented Java, and capable of reading/writing documents in Word format as well as many others. It also includes a spreadsheet, database, presentation program, and other stuff.
thanks everyone most appreciated im panicking enough with the books let alone the puter bit lol hope youre right dive girl im around your age to and this is my first time ever studying so im definetly daunted about it all !