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breadmaking with vitamin C

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janela | 15:13 Tue 19th Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
does anyone have a recipe for making bread using vitamin C to speed up the breadmaking process. I had one years ago, know the process but cannot remember the amount of vitamin C to use in proportion to all of the other ingredients.

This is for hand making bread not using a machine.


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janela - Seem to remember 1crushed vitamin c tablet per loaf.
Question Author
Thanks for that, I cannot remember whether vitamin C tablets come in different strengths, can you remember what size tablet you used.
Janela, most of the modern dried 'Easyblend' type yeasts have ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) already added to them and you shouldn't need more. You can tell which ones have got it added, as you only need to knead and prove the dough once, instead of twice.
janela - I don't know whether vitamin c comes in different strengths, i just picked a bottle up off the shelf. Are you making wholemeal bread?
Question Author
the recipe I had was for white bread but would probably prefer to make wholemeal now, I don't know whether there would be a difference in the amount needed. It's a very long time since I made bread so I really can't remember the amounts.
janela - The reason i asked if you were making wholemeal bread, was that my breadmaker recipe book said a vitamin C tablet helped raise a wholemeal loaf better because of it's dense consistency.

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