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Switching Gas/electricity Suppliers

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jesmond | 08:22 Fri 19th Jul 2019 | How it Works
8 Answers
does anyone know that when they ask you what your usage was for say the last year do you go off how much say gas you used which includes any standing charge or is it just gas without it, tia


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total bill.
But it's gar more accurate to enter actual usage in kw hours- should be available somewhere- maybe annual usage statement
If you've an online account with your supplier that will show you both usages ,I've never had to give what my standing charges were
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some of the standing charges are quite high and these pump the overall bill up, I do have each monthly statement, just not sure if ive got an overall yearly amount which would save me adding it all up, someone said to ask ofgem but haven't looked into that yet
Perhaps asking the supplier who you'd like to change to what they exactly want,is there a *chat to us* bit on the comparison site jesmond?
I'm thinking of moving over to Octopus myself
The comparison sites and qute sites usually ask for you monthly/annual payments or for your monthy/annual consumption in kw hours.
I've never seen one ask for your payments net of standing charges
When changing suppliers simply give annual kw/h used (this is by far the most accurate way) if this is not known some sites let you enter some basic details - size of house , number of people, appliances used, heating source etc. to make an estimate.
If you enter this to a comparison website it will show you alternative prices and will work out costs with different suppliers including standing charge and usage costs.
I switched recently and to compare suppliers, as bobbs202 said, they want your actual usage not what you are paying. I used Uswitch in the end to do the switch and it was very easy.
When I'm looking for a supplier I ignore their annual usage etc. and just look at the standing charge and kWh rate.

I pick a figure eg. 10kWh and work it out based on that - then whoever is the cheapest....

(I only have electric, no gas)

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Switching Gas/electricity Suppliers

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