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Nothing Is Moving Here

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jennyjoan | 00:12 Sat 06th Apr 2019 | Editor's Blog
13 Answers
when I search for something - it remains statationary - wont go into posts. Is there something wrong tonight with AB


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There is a fault with the Search function, I'd ignore it until Ed says it is fixed.
Seems alright to me, jj. I'm logged in on Google Chrome, which browser are you using ? ( internet explorer is crap ).
lol, posted "nothing is moving here" in food and drink, I thought you were constipated. Mine seems very slow, but that's just my computer I think, it's getting old.
Odd - I'm on Chrome and search hasn't worked all day for me, Ed agreed there was an issue.
Don't mention constipation Jno, Spath will magically appear, it's like a summoning spell :) x
You're right Mamya. I hadn't tried search until you just mentioned it, not working for me either.
Figs or prunes should help.
Righto Mamya, just tried the search function and it doesn't work for me either. I didn't know that you had already bought it up with the Ed.
Told her around lunchtime and at first was given things to try, nothing worked - then she said others had also reported it and they'd work on it.

Unless someone does weekends looks like we are without it for now.
Weekend shift, Mamya !. ( sharp intake of breath, wayyyyyy tooooo expensive that )
My browser is working perfectly fine, may I know which browser you are using so that we can get to know about the fault.
No thank you Vikram.

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