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friends trivia

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confuzzeled | 16:07 Wed 21st Jun 2006 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
ok does anyone know the answers to these questions??

1) When chandler first met Janice? (it was a hollyday, just not sure if xmas, thanksgiving or whatever)

2)Monica uses categories to her photo albums, wich one of the following is not one of them: parties, birthdays, vacation or family.

3)Phoebe uses what word when she doesn't know what to say, mostly when it comes to places? Flimbys, Quimbys, Perks or Phoebes?

its for a friend, if u could help that would be great xx


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Some answers for you

1) don't know I'm afraid
2) I think its parties
3)Definitely flimbys
I think the first time we saw Janice was at Christmas,but Chandler had been going out with her for some time by then.
I think the word Phoebe uses is Philanges.
We first meet janice in the episode "The One With The East German Laundry Detergent". Series 1 Episode 5. As Marwell7 already mentioned, we do not see him meet her. They have already been dating a while and he dumps her in this episode.
By the way, he then gets back with her for New Years Eve a few episodes later, dumps her, then they get back briefly a few more episodes down the line on Valentines day so those could be the holiday episodes you're thinking of.
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thank you everyone =) helped a lot

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