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Theland | 06:10 Mon 02nd Nov 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
77 Answers
Keyplus, Please do not challenge me to convert you.
It's not in my pay grade.
Out of genuine concern for you, I beg you to pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, repent of your sins, and ask Him for the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life.
Ask Him to come into your life, right now, and make Himself known to you, by the gift of the Holy Spirit.
If you pray and ask Him with a contrite heart, and all sincerity, He will reveal Himself to you, and together we will praise Him.
May God bless you Keyplus.


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Narrow minded people; they feel threatened even when someone wants to show them what Islam is really about, hospitality, love, care, and respect. But then why would you care?

Jourdain – Why do you have problem with (pbuh)? Muslims believe it more to be respect. How do you call someone you don’t know much if say for example his name is John Smith? Would you call John or would you call Mr Smith? But then again why would Christians give any respect to Jesus (pbuh) as they just need him as their bill payer, the one who will pay for their sins. Are you Christian? How much do you act upon the teachings of Jesus (PBUH)? And more important are you the real believer? But you don’t have to answer my questions but please think about these in your own spare time.
Keyplus, //Narrow minded people; they feel threatened even when someone wants to show them what Islam is really about, hospitality, love, care, and respect. //

We know.
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You see, Keyplus, when listed like that ^ in black and white, it’s not difficult to understand why we know. Is your new avatar symbolic of your aspiration to rule the world?

Incidentally, it looks like you’ve lost weight.
Yes, did lose a little bit of weight (but I have never been over weight as I am a sportsman). Because had 5 days in NY with two of my sons, then after just one week at home I went to Istanbul for 4 days and then onto Pakistan for 3 weeks. And all that time and at all of those places miles and miles of walking. And this photo was in hilly areas of Pakistan at around 13500 above sea level at Babusar Pass.
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Yes, it is true that I don't have enough time for you because I have answered all more than once and you keep on repeating. And that was the only reason why come and see me face to face because then you would not hide behind a pixel and will not keep on wasting time. All I can say here that a Muslim should just be Muslim and nothing more nothing less. These terms moderate etc are the creation of the West and so is extremist. I see Islam one way and you see another way and that is the reason that whatever I would say you will never understand and will not even try to understand. So don't waste my time and if you have any question then let me know where, when, and among which of the people you would like to see me. And once again you are a time waster and that is the reason I ignore you. And I will keep on doing that. Thank You.
Keyplus, //And once again you are a time waster and that is the reason I ignore you.

Clearly you don't ignore him ... but you conveniently ignore his very pertinent questions. Too difficult?
An interesting piece of expert testimony to file away for future use:
the distinction between a moderate and an extreme Muslim is an artificial one. Are the Friends of Jeopardy aware of this, I wonder?
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If anyone should consider saving Keyplus’ offerings here it should be Keyplus himself. He might forget what he’s said previously and subsequently contradict himself, but the astute reader doesn’t forget.

You know, you could have offered him Trafalgar Square and in the presence of a few dozen Police officers, which would remove all chance of any physical set-to but we know that he is particularly keen on knowing what you look like and who knows what could follow from that?

If he doesn't care whether you or any other ABer knows what he looks like then he would have a full-face pic as his avatar.

//hospitality, love, care, and respect//

That's just part of being human. One does not even need a god to do all that. Saying that these are *all* that Islam is about surely ignores all the worship-related aspects?

He's posted a full face picture here before - hence I know what he looks like. I wouldn't recognise him in the street though.
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