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Ukraine - Visa?

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mark01 | 12:07 Thu 17th Mar 2011 | Travel
5 Answers
Hi, am hoping to visit Kiev for a holiday this summer.

Can anyone tell me if I require a visa to enter Ukraine. I have been on various websites, some say you do others say you dont. Can anyone who has visited recently let me know.



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suggests that a visa is not necessary <<for a single tourist visit>> to the Ukraine for British passport holders.

It was necessary until 2005 - maybe you are looking at out of date information? Though I haven't found a website that says you do need a visa.

http://www.visitkievu...ntial/immigration.htm gives some background
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Thanks dzug2, that seems to have cleared it up.
Also, from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office:

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great, thanks Chris
You don't need a visa if you are an EU national AND if you are going to be staying for less than 90 days.

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Ukraine - Visa?

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