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pre-booking seats with malysian airlines

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simonruss | 16:04 Wed 27th May 2009 | Travel
4 Answers
Has anybody pre-booked seats with this airline before? the travel agent the holiday was booked with say we have to do it by the airlines' website, however cant seem to find where it can be done as there are dfferent ticket types, (mh basic, flexi etc). Its a 12 hour flight and if I cant look out of a window to help pass the time then its gonna be a LONG flight!!!!! Any help much appreciated. Many thanks


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You can't do it. Along with many other airlines, you can only do it when you check in online at most 24 hours before the flight. When you do, you will probably only get the choice of a few seats and then try to get something better at the airport. This is because they block out seats for transfer passengers and also blocks for respected travel agents to arrange for their customers, If yours can't do it for you, they are not well "in" with the airline (or can't be ar*ed).
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many thanks. thought that was going to be the case.... we are going with Hayes & Jarvis who I thought were pretty 'well in', when we have been to the Caribbean their customers always went to the 'nicer' parts of town!!
I used to fly with Thai Airways a lot and felt the same. If I didn't have a window seat, the flight always felt about ten times longer! What I used to do was to contact the airline directly and ask that they assign me some seats, which they were always happy to do, even several months before the flight. Call Malaysia Airlines' London office on 020 7341 2000 and I am sure they would only too willing to do the same. After all, they are supposed to be an official 5-star airline.
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brilliant!! thanks mikey, will gve 'em a call!! thanks very much.

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