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Regents Canal or Porttobello Road

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smurfchops | 08:32 Fri 27th Apr 2007 | Travel
5 Answers
Which would you recommend for a morning's walk and what to do?? I know about the market at Portobello, is this a better bet (more interesting) than Regents Canal? Is it worth walking along Little Venice? We love markets, people watching, as well as pretty, quiet places to walk, but as long as it's not boring.


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How about Camden Lock market then walking along the canal to Little Venice. You pass the zoo which is interesting. Or you can get a boat from Camden Lock to Little Venice then walk back.
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How long would it take to walk, spud??
Went on a boat from Little Venice to Camden Lock once.
I think that took about 45 minutes.
So just guessing it would be a good hour to walk.
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Thanks !!
The boat probably does no more that 3mph, so you can probably walk quicker than the boat!

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Regents Canal or Porttobello Road

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