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gherkin in london

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bendigedig | 21:26 Mon 16th Oct 2006 | Travel
4 Answers
what parts (if any) are open to the public? im visiting london in november and wanted to see it.


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all museums are now free in london - is this it? maybe this site will help you.
Unfortunately, you can't visit the interior of the building. I was exploring the website recommended by Missjef while she was posting the link. If you check 'Factfile > FAQ', you'll see that you can access the plaza and Arcadian Garden but not the office block itself. With current security concerns for financial institutions in London, it's probably unlikely that any members of the public (other, possibly, than bona fide students of architecture on a visit arranged by their university) would be allowed any form of access.


PS: I see that Norman is as accurate as ever. He's managed to post a completely irrelevant statement (because the Gherkin isn't a museum) which is incorrect anyway. (Only the major national museums are free. Many others still charge for admission).
yes you are right,brain of britain,i did not read the question properly,but as i said all the main museums are free.

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gherkin in london

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