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Interference on external speakers

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IAMKLOOT76 | 08:03 Sun 24th Oct 2010 | Technology
7 Answers
I have interference on my speakers caused by my neighbours Vodafone internet dongle. His flat is directly below me. Weirdly I also have a '3' dongle which I have close to everything but which causes no interference at all. I have no idea whether the speakers are shielded or not as they are a few years old. Any suggestions?


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How do you know it is caused in this way?
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Scotman. I asked my neighbour to turn off his dongle and the interference stops.
Surely this is intermittent? It must be costing him a packet if he keeps it on all the time!
The interference will not be picked up by the speakers themselves; it will be picked up either by the soundcard or by the lead from the soundcard to the amplifier, or it may even be mains-borne, or picked up by the lead from the power supply to the speakers (assuming that they are connected via a mains adaptor).

This is not going to be easy to fix, and I'm not sure, but I think legally, the onus is on your neighbour to solve the problem - for example, by repositioning his equipment.
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Thanks for all the comments. I think I may have to ask my neighbour if he can re-position his dongle or ask him to move!
Ooh, glad I'm not your neighbour - I'd just tell you to swivel on this and get it sorted yourself.
I once lived in a house where the radio always played in the background of the stereo. We tried to track down which part of the system was picking up the interference and found the speakers could play the radio station with nothing connected to them other than a piece of wire.

There was a very large AM radio transmitter just down the road.

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Interference on external speakers

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