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BT Ring-Back charges

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rondeau | 20:19 Mon 16th Aug 2010 | Technology
7 Answers
Does anyone know how much BT charges if you ask for an engaged line to ring you back?


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No charge for using it. £7.77 extra rental (for residential) to have it.
Oppps, didn't read the list properly

You have two choices, either add it to your rental package for £7.77 and it's use is free, or you can use it without adding it to your rental for 36pence each time.
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Many thanks ChuckFickens. I find BT's website a minefield but I've now bookmarked the URL you supplied.
If you have the facility as a 'calling feature', you're charged £7.77 per quarter for unlimited usage. (You can also have 'unlimited ring back' as one of up to four calling features for £15.57 per quarter, or as one of up to nine calling features for £21.57 per quarter).

If, as most people do, you pay per use, you're charged 35.7p as long as the ring back is successful. Unsuccessful attempts are not charged.

Chuck's link goes to the finely detailed document used within the telecommunications industry. You might find the version for residential customers easier to use:

Is it sad that I had my link bookmarked :)
Don't worry about it. I've got a folder (labelled 'AB & Resources') full of stuff like that ;-)

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BT Ring-Back charges

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