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Emails To Junk

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Maydup | 10:54 Sat 03rd Feb 2024 | Technology
5 Answers

I have emails from a company on a regular basis that have just started to go into my junk. 

anything I do to say

never block this sender

always accept from this address


nothings working



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Thank goodness you're female !

Where you set them as spam, is there not an 'always trust' option ?

Add the sender's address to your Contacts list.

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I have ticked as trusted and  everything. 
I'll check about the email address maybe they've changed it and I need to update my contacts. 

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This evening's email still went to junk. 

I've checked back and the recipient address hasn't changed and it's in my contacts. I've been receiving almost daily emails from this address for  over 3 years and just last week they started to go to into junk. Mystery. 

You have clicked (left or right) on the e-mail while in the spam folder to see if there's an option there ?


Failing that maybe we need to know your e-mail service provider, how you access it, what client you use on your computer etc. etc. etc..

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Emails To Junk

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