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HFJL2020 | 11:49 Wed 01st Nov 2023 | Technology
2 Answers

dell  lappy  plug  it  in  all i  see  is  a  grey  light  on  the  front  of  it   ideas  please



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I looked up your problem on the Dell website, and this seems to be the nearest answer to your problem. (I'm not a computer expert, by the way!)

Perform a Hard Reset.

1. Turn off the computer.

2. Disconnect AC adapter and remove battery.

3. Disconnect all devices (USB drivers; printers; webcams; media cards).

4. Press and hold power button for 15 to 20 seconds to drain residual power.

5. Connect AC adapter and battery.

6. Turn on computer.

Best of luck!

Question Author

ta  for  nice  info  did  what  u  said  a  few  times  nothing  happened   thank u

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