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Virus Problem

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slid_away | 11:22 Fri 09th May 2008 | Computers
5 Answers
Hi All
I hope someone can help on this as its driving me mad.
I am trying to connect to the internet using both IE and Firefox. On both the page loads but not fully and its waiting for various sites called mediaplex to load, this is causing it not to load fully.
I run adaware and it is picking up infections and I remove them but it does not help at all after I remove them. When I try to update AVG it will not down load the latest update.
I tried connecting via my laptop and for some strange reason it picked up a NETGEAR router and not my default one. After restoring to my default one, that now refuses to connect to the internet. I am not sure if its connected to both??!!
Any help at all would be great. PLEASE!!!
Thanks in advance


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Probably a silly question but have to tried a restore to before all this happened? That sometimes fixes things like this.
Question Author
yes tried system restore but did not help
Simple things first. Shut everything off at the plug (after closing down your pc properly). Wait a few minutes and then turn on in this EXACT order:

1. Modem .. wait at least 2 minutes

2. Router (if seperate)..wait..

3. Pc.

Has it all connected properly now?
Question Author
ok thanks Fay. I will try this once I get home on my PC.
Thanks again
A little more info about Mediaplex:
It turns out mediaplex are just tracking cookies. It shouldn't be hard to remove them. :)

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